Sunday, November 14, 2010

Busy Weekend

The weekend has come to a close. It is midnight on Sunday night and all my weekend consisted of was homework, homework, and more homework. :-/ Thankfully this is my final semester EVER in college. it has been a long 5 1/2 years and I am excited to be done.

I guess the only "fun" thing I did this weekend was see "A Clockwork Orange." I might be one of the few who hadn't seen it yet and let me tell you it is not worth it. Besides it being weird, it makes no sense and is more disturbing than anything. I am still baffled how it is a "cult classic." I saw "Pulp Fiction" a while ago and that as well made no sense and I was not fond of. How is it these cult classics are so popular?

Well I'll leave you with that (assuming there is a "you" reading this). Back to work and school next week. I'll just keep thinking " I am almost done with school, I am almost done with school, I am almost done with school." Maybe if I click my heels 3 times saying this it will happen? It's worth a try.

See ya,