Saturday, June 19, 2010



Today is the first day that I am going to start writing down what I do from day to day, or even week to week. I have noticed that as I am getting older (I am 23) I am forgetting more and more about what I did over the weekend, what I did during the week, and yes, what I had for breakfast that day. I know 23 isn't that old, but there was a time in my teens that I could tell you every single teacher I had from school (kindergarten and up), what I had for breakfast at the beginning of the week, and a lot more. So this is why I am starting to write down what I do. I know I am busy, and stay busy, but doing what seems to be the question. When people ask me "how was your weekend?" I can remember a little bit, but there are times when I don't know what I did for a whole day (this happened to me recently).

Today is Saturday the 19th of June in 2010. I saw Toy Story 3 in the morning (cute movie-but not worth seeing in 3D), and then I went to my parent's house to celebrate father's day (my sister has to work on father's day so celebrated a day early). I came home-and this is where my mind becomes blank. I think I just hung around the house and surfed the web. Nothing too important. I am taking a summer school class (pre-calc, bleh :-/ ) and so started on my hw. One section down, 2 more to go. I had dinner, and now as I am typing this I should be getting back to my hw.

I am sure no one will really find this interesting, but this is for me to record what I am doing on a day to day basis so I can look back and know what I wanted to accomplish but didn't, or if I put down a note for myself to remember something, here is where it should be.

It is about 8pm now, so I am not sure how much more I will get done before I go to bed, but my plan is to finish hw, and start on a mock-up for my professional portfolio. I have a personal site, but I feel like I need to make it more professional (I am still in college, graduate december 2010 yay! and am going for web design/graphic design). I am also currently reading a book called the "non-designer's design book" which is good because they show you so many examples and teach you rules to follow, etc. Right now I am in the color section of the book, so want to finish reading that before I start on my website re-design. I also have a friend that wants me to help build her company website (contract marketing), and she gave me some design ideas, but I am waiting to hear back if she wants me to create my own stuff, or if she just wants me to create what she already came up with. I don't want to waste time and effort doing something I don't even need to do. Then by the end of the night I am hoping to finish this book I am reading called "Gone" my Lisa McMann, and it's the last of the trilogy. It's a fast paced read and a series I highly recommend.

If anyone comes across this and has any suggestions for a website, how to become a good designer, etc that would be most appreciated! :D I am looking to find a full time job once I graduate and as of now I have so much to learn, any advice from a designer or even someone still in school to become a designer would be good.

Bye for now,
